Monday, January 3, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new...

Goodbye 2010.
This past year has been nothing but wonderful to us. I honestly believe, its what you make of it and boy did we make it a good year. :) We began the year by welcoming Nyab Xai to the family, celebrating our 25th and 27th birthdays as well as our 1 year wedding anniversary, then taking a road trip on California's Pacific Coast Highway. In the summer, we focused on a few house projects like cleaning the porch, building a deck, and pressure washing the house. Then we balanced all of our hard work by squeezing in some time to play in the sun and bbq'ing on our down time. Our year ended with a bang with our road trip to Duluth and Milwaukee, then trip to Vegas where we partied like rockstars. 2010 was a great year to us and we are blessed to have had such wonderful opportunities to do all the things we did and be surrounded by our lovely circle of friends and family.

As with every new year, it brings in new thoughts, lots of ambition, and plenty of goals. I've had a lot of time to reflect on what I'd like to accomplish this year and I'm ready to turn a new page. Time to start with a clean slate and just do it!

Hello, 2011.
I plan to resolve a lot of small things this year that I've pushed aside in the past. I've learned over the years that sometimes the smallest things are what matters most and the bigger things follow.

1) In the last two years since we've lived in our house, I've struggled accepting our house as our home. We'd always talk about how its just our temporary home, how we'd get ourselves a newer, nicer home that we both love instead of a hand-me-down fixer-upper we both hated. Some days I'd fight with myself how fixing anything in the house was pointless, and other days all I wanted to do was fix it to make it more home-y. I've learned recently though that temporary or not, this house is our home. And like everything else, we have to give it our all. As P.Diddy says in his Coming Home song, "so you've been a guest in your own home, it's time to make your house your home" - :P and that is my #1 goal this year. Stay tune for LOTS of house projects, big and small.
2) Writing more letters, thank you cards, and sending out birthday cards because its always so heartwarming for me when I receive something other than junk mail in the mail, from announcements to postcards. I'd love to pay my love forward to all of family and friends.
3) Continue taking pictures, organizing these monthly, and printing them annually. I have this silly fear that one day I'll forget all my life's memories, so I gotta capture it all. Perhaps I'll pickup some scrapbooking or photoshop skills along the way.
4) Keeping healthy by managing my mind, my body, and my soul. For my mind, reading more. For my body: cooking healthier, eating healthier, and shedding some el-bee's. And my soul, yoga or any form of meditation. :)
5) Travel whenever possible. What more can I say?

There are a hundred other little things I'd love to resolve this year, but I'll mention them as I write. Best wishes to everyone's endeavors this year!

1 comment:

  1. I very very much like that list. Sorry I cut out early yesterday. I was NOT feeling it at all.

    Good luck B1, YOU CAN DO IT!
